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CNC Machine When I first started making things for my simulator, everything was made by hand. I soon realised that I could not produce the quality I wanted. After some research a CNC machine was purchased. After the first tests a few improvements were made to the Z-axis and a Kress 1050 was mounted on a new aluminum frame that resulted in better results for engraving texts and I was abe to produce finer cuts. With the CNC machine I'm now able to make everything exactly as I want it and whatever I'm in need for. See the pictures below. Read the interview I did for
The modified machine with the new Z-axis and a Kress 1050 moundted
Now a lot more space
The old axis (left) and the new one peacefully next to each other You can see how much more room there is to cut things
These pictures show the engraving nose in more detail It gave very nice results, but now all engraving is done with my new laser